Layritz Little League


Layritz little League | Volunteers | CRC’s

Criminal Record Check Information

Adult volunteers that work with children at Layritz Little League must have a successful Criminal Record Check on file. This includes all Board Members, Umpires, Coaches, Managers, and PARENTS who help inside the field fences.  This could be a parent who helps during practices or occasionally helps the team out when coaches are absent.

CRC's are to be submitted prior to first year of volunteer work at Layritz Little League and every second year thereafter. Anyone without a valid CRC on file will not be permitted inside the playing field fences during any practices nor games.


Please fill out our volunteer form by following the link below.

You will find the CRC on the Volunteer form!

In rare cases you will receive a follow up request to go into the station for fingerprinting.  This occurs when there are name or birthdate similarities with someone who does have a record, the fingerprinting is done to ensure correct identity. It takes time to get the results of fingerprinting so please make sure to attend to this as soon as it is requested.  If you choose not to then we receive a letter confirming that they could not complete your application.

We appreciate you taking the time to volunteer and keeping the safety of players a priority. Questions can be directed to